Head Boy - Daniel Keating
Head Girl - Jade O'Reilly
Prefects 2024-2025
Head Prefects:
Alisha Buckley Shiels
Mateusz Wczesniak
Yomi Bekes
Rianna Cribbin
Rian Harte
Mila Herbert
Seamus Kenny
Hannah Murray
Marie Nangle
Jade O'Reilly
Emily Wielgus Counihan
Daria Zareba
Prefect Selection
In the month of April, Prefect Application forms are available for any Fifth Year student who is interested in applying for a prefect position.
Interviews usually take place during the month of May.
By the end of May the successful candidate will be appointed to their prefect positions.
Prefect responsibilities include Environment, Art, Music, Parent Room Managers, Facilities, Creativity, Academic support/achievement, Student Mentors, Lunchtime Activities, Antibullying, Bus and Lost Property.
Training for sixth year prefects take place during the month of October.
The sixth year prefects are finished their prefect positions in April.
Head Boy and Head Girl Selection
From the list of Prefects, all Fifth Year students nominate their top 10 girls and boys for Head Boy and Head Girl.
The teachers then choose one boy and girl from this list. The girl and boy with the most teacher nominations will then be appointed Head Boy and Head Girl.
The Head Boy and Head Girl duties include:
• To act as a role model for students and promote the ethos of the school
• To be an approachable member of sixth year to whom students can come to for assistance or support.
• To lead the team of Prefects
• To represent the school body at school events
• To liaise with members of the Prefect team, Special Duties teachers, Year heads, Deputy Principal and Principal.
• To organise and attend Student Council meetings.